EU programmes for education and training

This link gives access to the web pages of the European Commission dedicated to Community programmes and actions in education and training.



  • EUROGUIDANCE - European portal to guidance

    Euroguidance is the network of National Resource Centres for Vocational Guidance. Main functions:

    • provide information on education and training opportunities in Europe, mainly for guidance practitioners, who should relay it to citizens at large;
    • support the exchange of quality information on education and training systems and on qualifications in the European Union, the European Economic Area and Central and Eastern European countries;
    • support the Ploteus portal.



Ploteus - find a course

Ploteus aims to help students, job seekers, workers, parents, guidance counsellors and trainers to find out information about studying in Europe:

  • learning opportunities and training possibilities available throughout the European Union;
  • education and training systems;
  • exchange programmes and grants;
  • everything you need to know when moving abroad in another European country.

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